
Jun 20, 2021


Where and how we use multicast
Where and how we use multicast
How process handles multicasted messages
How process handles multicasted messages

Deliver and Receive

  • Receive: queuing of arriving message in intermediate buffer (e.g., network interface buffer)
    • 收到信息了, 放到buffer里排队处理
  • Deliver: passing message from intermediate buffer to target application
    • 从buffer取信息处理

System model

  • Processes can communicate reliably over one-to-one channels
  • Processes may fail only by crashing
  • Processes are members of groups, which are the destinations of messages sent with the multicast operation
  • Message m:
    • Contains ID of sender (sender(m)) and of destination group (group(m))
  • Operations
    • multicast(g, m) : Multicast message m to group g
    • delivery(m) : Delivery of message at recipient

Basic Multicast

  • Guaranteed delivery, unless multicasting process crashes
  • Primitives and implementation
    • Use a reliable one-to-one send() operation
      • B-multicast(g, m): for each process , send(p, m)
      • B-deliver(m) at : when receive(m) at , for all
  • ack-implosion:
    • Problem in using concurrent send(p, m) operations
      • All recipients acknowledge receipt at about same time
      • Buffer overflow leads to dropping of ack messages
      • Retransmits, even more ack messages

Reliable Multicast

On initialization 
	Received := {};

For process p to R-multicast message m to group g 
	B-multicast(g,m); (p∈g is included as destination)

On B-deliver(m) at process q with g = group(m) 
	if (m ∉ Received):
		Received := Received ∪ {m};
		if (q ≠ p):
  • Integrity
    • A correct process delivers a message at most once
    • A delivered message is identical to the message sent in the multicast send operation
    • R-Multicast: Based on underlying communication medium
  • Validity
    • If a correct process multicasts message m, then it will eventually deliver m (liveness)
    • R-Multicast: A correct process will eventually B-deliver to itself
  • Agreement
    • If a correct process delivers a message m, then all other correct processes in the target group of message m will also deliver message m
    • R-Multicast: B-multicast to all other processes after B-deliver
  • Validity and agreement ensure overall liveness
    • If one process delivers a message m, then m will eventually be delivered to all group members
  • Inefficient
    • Each message is sent times to each process

Ordered Multicast

FIFO Multicast

  • If a correct process issues a multicast(g, m) and then multicast(g, m’), then every correct process that delivers m’ will deliver m before m’
  • Use sequence numbers and delay delivery until agreement in sequence numbers between sender and receiver is reached
  • Each process p maintains the following sequence numbers:
  • : # of messages sent by p to g
  • : # of messages delivered at p from q, for each process q != p
notion image
notion image

Causal ordering

  • If multicast(g, m) → multicast(g, m’), where → is induced by message passing only, then every correct process that delivers m’ will deliver m before m’
  • Use vector timestamps (only) for multicast messages
  • Each process maintains its own vector timestamp
  • : number of messages delivered at from
notion image

Total Ordering

  • If a correct process delivers m before it delivers m’, then any other correct process that delivers m’ will deliver m before m’
  • Use global sequence numbers
notion image


  • If Casual Multicast, must be FIFO Multicast, not vice versa.
  • Casual Multicast DOESN'T imply TO Multicast, vice versa.

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